Saturday, January 3, 2009

The ups and downs of motherhood

Well, this is my second posting and I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! I do hope this year is better than how it started out for Lawson. The day after New Years, David and I took him back to the dr. because his bronchiolitis seemed to have gone from better to worse overnight. My poor little baby could barely breathe, but he just kept on smiling as Dr. Ski poked and prodded on him. He simply stated that he had developed asthma due to the bronchiolitis, and he was going to have to do breathing treatments every 4 hrs. Needless to say, he wrote out 9 yes 9 whole prescriptions and the pharmacy bill was a whopping $600!!!!!!! I just about fell out! But, Lawson had to have it, and you do what you have to do for your child.
Please say a prayer for Lawson ( and me since I have to go back to work on Monday:)
Oh, and it will be awhile before I can post some new pics on here. Somehow, my camera was busted!!! Where has all my good luck gone?? I did eat my New Years peas!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Lawson's 1st Christmas

Merry Christmas Ya'll! (well, I am a day late). I decided to start a blog since I have been tuning in to a few of my cousin's blogs, and figured what the heck. It would be nice to share photos and info about my ray of sunshine, Lawson Cole Brackin, as well. I probably will have to take a short pause (or rather long one) in just a few to feed my little man some squash. He will be waking up from his nap soon, and will be ready to eat!
Yesterday was Lawson's first Christmas, and it was probably the best Christmas I have ever experienced. Since I have been grown, many people ask me what my favorite Christmas was. I would answer with, "probably the year I got a Barbie doll house", but now that Lawson is in this world, my answer has changed. On Christmas Eve, Big Mama and I took him to see Santa Claus, and he just grinned while he sat on Santa's lap. That night, David and I read him 'My First Night Before Christmas" book, and put him to bed early. Not that we had to get all the presents from Santa out (that will happen next year or the year after), but Lawson always goes to bed early anyway. We woke up early Christmas morning, and "helped" Lawson open a few presents from mama and dad-da. Then, we got ready and went to GiGi and Grandpa's house. Lawson got a highchair, a jump-a-roo, clothes, all kinds of toys and books, and his very own plush rocking horse. This was from his Big Mama. It neighs and makes trotting noises. We put him on it, and he just grinned and got soooo excited!! It really makes my heart bursts to see the delight in my child's face, and I look forward to many more Christmas morning delights!
Right now, I am baking Chess Squares and getting ready for David's family Christmas tonight. Lawson will get to see all his cousins, but he won't know it cuz he will be sleeping away (it will be after 6).
Well, I guess I got a little carried away for my first post on my blog. Happy New Year to everyone, and I will post more pics soon!